Pizzagaina - Easter Meat Pie

The aroma of pizzagaina baking brings back memories of Easter past. We always had a few Easter pies at our table, but this was always my favorite. This is no way a healthy pie, but it's only once a year splurge!
If you can find the meats, now is the time to collect the cold-cut ends and freeze them to offset the price of making this pie. This year, I was shocked at how expensive the meats were. You can cut back on all other things, but not the meats for this pie. This traditional Easter treat goes by many names including Easter Pizza, Pizza Chiena, PizzaGaina, Italian Ham Pie, Pizza Gaina, Pizza Rustica, Italian Easter Ham Pie, Stuffed Easter Bread, Pastiera, etc. No matter what you call it, it's delicious. This is by no means healthy, it's, probably a cardiologist's worst nightmare. I make this once a year at Easter and believe that falls under the "moderation rule".
This is different depending on where you are in Italy. For example, in Campania, a city in Naples, Easter Pie is made with eggs, ricotta, and grains of whole wheat. They call it pastiera and it includes an orange-flavored custard-like filling. This pizzagaina recipe is from Sicily and has been handed down through the generations in our family. Of course, I had to put my own spin on it and update it. Sorry, Nonno Phillip, I know you spent all day making this but that's not going to happen in my house. I like quick and easy recipes. Finding the balance of quick and great tasting is always a challenge that I'm always up for.
One of my fondest memories of Easter is the food. Let's face it, I'm Italian all holidays are surrounded by great food. Traditional Easter meals vary from region to region, but eggs and roasted Lamb are common staples everywhere. Eggs represent life, fertility, and renewal. These are all essential symbols of Easter. Easter eggs and spinach are added to a sweet bread called Torta Pasqualina. I'll spare every one of these recipes since it's time-consuming and not easy to make.
PANE DI PASQUA is the Easter Bread with the dyed eggs on top. Since this is a double-rise sweet bread, this recipe will be saved for another day. It does make a beautiful presentation but it takes 6-8 hours to make. One year for Easter, I made 12 loaves of Pane Di Pasqua to give as gifts.

It's obvious that Italians like to party and the celebration of Easter continues into Easter Monday, also known as Little Easter (Pasquetta). This is an official holiday in Italy that celebrates Spring with picnics and of course, eating meals with family and friends.
Now that we have the history of the Easter bread, let's make Pizzagaina. You'll need:
Pizzagaina Prep time: 15 mins. Bake: 400 degrees for 22 mins then 350 degrees for 45 mins
2 eggs (room temp)
1/4 cup Crisco
1/4 cup warm water
2 cups flour
Bring the ingredients together in a food processor (or by hand) until it forms a dough. This is a dry, crumbly dough that needs to allow the glutens to relax for 15 mins. I normally triple this crust recipe to make sure I have enough for the bottom and top of the pie. Cover the dough with a warm, wet cloth and allow it to rest for 15 mins.
2 lbs of cheese-in-a-bag (there is such a thing at Easter) or 2 lbs of soft, drained ricotta
(to drain ricotta, place it in a fine strainer over a bowl and allow it to sit for an hour)
1/2 lb of hard salami cubed
1/2 lb provoloni cubed (I sub mozzeralla instead)
1/2 lb prosciutto cubed
1/2 lb pepperoni cubed
3/4 lb ham cubed
1/2 lb capicola
6 eggs (beaten)
3 handfuls of grated parmesan cheese (yup handfuls)
Mix everything together but do not overbeat this. Mixing with make a tough and dense pie.
Grease the bottom of a 9x12 baking pan. Roll the crust out to cover the bottom of the pan and up the sides. Allow the crust to lap over the sides to "roll down" to garnish the edges.
Gently pour your filling into the pie and you're going to roll out a top crust. Place it on top or cut into strips and make a lattice top (basket weave) for the pie. The basket weave makes a nicer presentation but it does take more time.

I'll leave this step up to you. Allow the spirit to move you and make this pie your own. Bring the edges together or roll it down to make a decorative edge. I like to pinch my edges to make a zigzag design.
Brush the top of the pie with an egg wash (1 egg with 1/2 tsp of cold water).
Bake in a preheated oven at 400 degrees for 22 mins. then reduce to 350 degrees for 45 mins. When you insert a knife into the center of the pie, it should come out clean. (yes, you can use a toothpick but I could never see it. I found a skinny knife works best)
Chill the pie for 24 hours before you attempt to cut it. This is normally served cold with a dry Chianti wine.
Make memories with your friends and family that you'll cherish forever!
Buona Pasqual.......Happy Easter